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        • Offshore hydrogen pipeline: GASCADE and Fluxys step up plans

          Press Releases – General info
          GASCADE and Fluxys have applied to the European Commission for Project of Common Interest (PCI) status for the AquaDuctus project, marking a major step forward in their plans for an offshore pipeline for green hydrogen in the North Sea. The move by the two infrastructure operators highlights the project's importance for the hydrogen ramp-up.
        • Fluxys stärkt die Beziehungen mit Open Grid Europe durch Erwerb der Macquarie Asset Management-Anteile von 24 %

          Press Releases – General info
          Fluxys hat beschlossen, die etwa 24-prozentigen Anteile von Macquarie Asset Management an Open Grid Europe („OGE“), dem größten Fernleitungsnetzbetreiber in Deutschland, zu erwerben. Die Entscheidung passt perfekt zur Strategie von Fluxys, als zentraler Infrastrukturpartner zur Beschleunigung der Energiewende beizutragen.
        • Fluxys strengthens its partnership in Trans Adriatic Pipeline AG (TAP)

          Press Releases – General info
          TAP shareholders Fluxys and Enagás have jointly agreed to purchase co-shareholder Axpo’s 5% stake in the pipeline. Fluxys will acquire 1% and Spain’s Enagás 4% of Axpo’s stake. Both companies will thus become 20% partner in TAP like the other shareholders Snam (Italy), bp (UK) and SOCAR (Azerbaijan).
        • Fluxys and OQ Gas Network (OQGN) are setting up a strategic partnership to support the global energy transition

          Press Releases – General info
          With abundant wind and solar resources enabling competitive renewable hydrogen production, Oman has the ambition to become a world leading renewable hydrogen hub. Following an invitation to become an anchor investor in the coming IPO process on the Muscat stock exchange, Fluxys has committed to acquire a 4.9% stake in OQGN, the state-owned transmission system operator. The partnership is further strengthened by a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between Fluxys and OQGN to explore areas of strategic cooperation in the development of Oman’s hydrogen and CO2 infrastructure.
        • Fluxys launches call for market interest on tomorrow’s molecules for the Zeebrugge terminal

          Press Releases – General info
          Infrastructure group Fluxys and its subsidiary Fluxys LNG are gauging the market's interest in importing low-carbon molecules from the terminal at Zeebrugge. With this market initiative, Fluxys is anticipating the need for large-scale decarbonisation.