How to recognise the Fluxys underground pipelines
A network signposted throughout Belgium
The markings around the Fluxys pipeline network are essential for the safety and efficiency of the gas transport infrastructure. These markings indicate the route of underground gas pipelines so any activity in the vicinity of these pipelines can be carried out safely. They exist in different types and help prevent damage to the pipelines during excavation and other construction activities. Moreover, these markings ensure that maintenance and inspection work can be carried out efficiently and accurately, contributing to the overall reliability and safety of the gas pipeline network.
The marker poles are usually orange, although there are still some older ones in other colours here and there and are a landmark for all those who are near these pipelines. Farmers or contractors, but also private individuals who want to carry out works in the soil (or have them carried out) are therefore advised to inspect the area first.
Anyone wishing to carry out works must first report to one of the portals and then receive the cable and pipeline information around the workplace. Is this site near a gas pipeline? If so, we will be notified. If necessary, one of our staff will make an appointment to discuss the works and safety regulations.
You can find all useful information on the posts, such as our contact details, so you can always contact us if necessary.