2022 - Integration of the BeLux Market Area and Interconnector


Interconnector is today launching a stakeholder consultation on proposed changes to its Access Terms and Charging Methodology.

The proposed changes, which are described in the Consultation Letter and Consultation Brochure, are to allow integration of the BeLux Market Area and Interconnector.

The integration will simplify the trading arrangements for gas transportation between the Continent and the GB market by removing the IZT Interconnection Point (“IP”) which currently connects the Interconnector to the Fluxys Belgium System. The BeLux Gas Market, operated by Fluxys Belgium, is also proposed to be simplified through the merger of the existing ZTP Physical and ZTP Notional trading points into one single hub, the ZTP, from which Shippers may directly access the UK’s NBP market.

We welcome feedback from all interested parties. This consultation will close at 17:30 UKT on 20 June 2022.

Consultation Documents:

Joint Interconnector and Fluxys Belgium Consultation Brochure

Consultation Letter

Interconnector Access Agreement (“IAA”) – changes tracked

Interconnector Access Code (“IAC”) – changes tracked

Interconnector Charging Methodology (“CM”) – changes tracked


A separate consultation has also been launched by Fluxys Belgium outlining proposed amendments to its Access Rules.

This consultation has now closed. Three non-confidential responses were received: