Your physical bi-directional gas transport link between the UK and continent


Product description

You can connect to:

  • The NBP hub (United Kingdom)
  • The Zeebrugge and Dunkerque LNG terminals on the continent
  • Continental storage in the Fluxys Belgium Loenhout storage facility


You can also benefit from:

  • Access to downstream markets such as the ZTP market area (Belgium) and the TTF market area (The Netherlands).
  • The Norwegian gas pipelines also land at Zeebrugge (Belgium) and from here you can connect to the NBP market area (UK).

To move your gas through the bi-directional Interconnector pipeline between Bacton (UK) and Zeebrugge (Belgium), purchase entry and exit capacity on either side.


Available capacities

Available capacity


Booked capacities

Capacity purchased via Implicit Allocation is available to download here (last updated 17/02/2025 13:00 UKT)

Up to 90% of Interconnector’s Technical Capacity is made available on a First Committed First Served basis via Interconnector’s Implicit Allocation Mechanism.


How to book

  • Be a registered shipper at Interconnector: Request your Interconnector Access Terms
  • You can purchase capacity on PRISMA or through Implicit Allocation.
  • Register with PRISMA for auctions or with the following partners for Implicit Allocation
 IAM Partner IAM Platform   Contact details
 HPC SA  HPC Portal or +44 (0) 207 959 0347
 Griffin Markets Europe SAS  Griffin Portal or +44 (0) 207 808 4212
 Cavendish Markets BV  PleXHub Ltd or +44 (0) 207 073 2621
 Tullett Prebon (Europe) Limited  TP Portal or +44 (0) 207 200 7055


Book through PRISMA

Acquire the complete route from the UK to Belgium or from Belgium to the UK in two auctions:

  • All available capacity is offered via this mechanism.
  • Separate auctions for capacity on each end of the pipeline are held according to the ENTSOG auction calendar.
  • Standard product durations: Annual, Quarterly, Monthly, Daily and Within Day.
  • Bundled with either National Grid or Fluxys Belgium - optionality on Belgian side for you to book directly to/from ZTP or via the Zeeplatform.

Auction calendar


Book through Implicit Allocation

Acquire unbundled Entry and Exit capacity in one transaction.

  • Capacity is unbundled giving full flexibility to combine with new or existing capacity bookings in your portfolio.
  • Capacity is sold simultaneously with a matching quantity of natural gas purchased or sold at any North West European hub or delivery point.
  • Maximum 90% of Interconnector's technical firm capacity is offered via this mechanism.
  • Offered on a "First Come, First Served" basis on any working day (not in the lead up to or during a PRISMA auction).
  • Standard products offered further in advance than via PRISMA.
  • Wider range of product durations available.

Product guide Sales dates

Operational Information

More info


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