Become a Transmission shipper at FluxSwiss
Get started in 5 steps
1. Contact us
Phone : +41 (0) 91 910 93 00
Email :
2. Provide company and financial info
- Fill in our Know Your Customer form.
- Send your completed forms and the mandatory supporting documents to
3. Accept contract terms
We will then send you a set of documents :
- CRTSA v.5.0.1 for signature
- Shipper manual for our extranet nomination tool
- Nomination operating procedures v.5.0.1
4. Meet credit requirements
Credit requirements apply to individual bookings, and not to the signature of the Master Agreement per se. For further details please see Annex C of the CRTSA.
5. Approved as a shipper
You will be approved as a Shipper when you receive a fully signed contract back from us along with a shipper code. Signing up to the CRTSA has no associated costs and does not require a capacity booking.
And finally: Welcome as a new shipper with FluxSwiss!