Changeover from forward to reverse flow at Passo Gries

As a result of Swiss TSOs receiving higher nominations towards Switzerland rather than towards Italy at the Interconnection Point Passo Gries, in the period between 8 and 12 October 2020 a changeover from physical forward to physical reverse flow was observed at Passo Gries (up to ca. 1 GWh/h on gas days 10 and 11 October).

In the same period, physical flows at Interconnection Point Wallbach remained in the North-to-South direction, since nominations towards Germany were more than offset by nominations towards Switzerland. The overall effect on Switzerland as a country was a joint import of gas from Wallbach and Passo Gries. In the last hours of gas day 12 October, flows at Passo Gries changed over again to physical forward flow towards Italy.

In its role as TSO marketing transit capacity between Wallbach and Passo Gries in both forward and reverse flow, FluxSwiss actively contributed to this outcome in good cooperation with other Swiss and Italian TSOs, this event proving the relevance of the Transitgas system as bridge between Northern and Southern European gas markets.