All-time highs at ZTP!

In 2015 the Zeebrugge Trading Point (ZTP) saw traded volumes of high and low calorific gas rise to 139.3 TWh, up 45% on 2014. This growth trend continued strongly in January 2016 with a record of 15.2 TWh, 7% higher than the previous peak month (December 2015) and 31% higher than January 2014.

The larger part of the volumes on ZTP are traded bilaterally, but the volumes that changed title in 2015 on the ICE and PEGAS trading platforms rose with a strong 104% to 6.9 TWh. January 2016 was also a record month for trading on the platforms, with 1033 GWh traded, up 36% on the previous peak month (September 2015).

The record levels for January 2016 on ZTP arise in part from the market maker agreements Fluxys Belgium concluded for 2016 to support ZTP’s liquidity growth. This year there are market maker agreements with four market parties, compared to two last year. In a market maker agreement, the market parties guarantee to trade a certain quantity over a specified period of time.