Market Consultation 46 - Changes in the regulatory documents

As from 26 October 2020, participate in our market consultation on the transmission regulatory documents with a focus on:

  • The integration of Zelzate 2 into VIP BENE
  • The alignment of the definitions with regards to the injection of new gasses (i.e. biomethane) in the natural gas transmission grid
  • The clarification of the definition of collateral taking into account short term bookings
  • Some technical changes


The following document summarizes the proposed changes: One page note

Documents in consultation (with track changes):

Standard Transmission Agreement

Transmission Program

Access Code for Transmission Attachment A

Access Code for Transmission Attachment B

Access Code for Transmission Attachment C1

Access Code for Transmission Attachment C2

Access Code for Transmission Attachment C4

Access Code for Transmission Attachment D


You are kindly invited to send your written comments to by Friday 13 November 2020.

Please specify in your response, whether the content is to be treated as confidential or not. Unless otherwise mentioned, all comments will be treated as non-confidential.