PRISMA Yearly Auctions on 6 July 2020: Sufficient capacity offer on the Eynatten interconnection points

During the Yearly Auctions on 6 July 2020 German TSOs may limit their long term capacity offer on the Eynatten IPs. 
Capacity offer remains sufficient on the Fluxys Belgium grid and you will be able to book additional capacity on the German side.

Capacities offered at the Eynatten interconnection points

BNetzA took a decision (§9 (4) GasNZV (BK7-20-011)) allowing German TSOs to limit their long term offer of capacities on the Eynatten IPs in the upcoming Yearly Auctions.

Be assured that sufficient capacity remains available on the Belgium grid and that additional capacity will be made available on the German side in order to support the future gas needs and planned L/H-gas conversion:

  • On a shorter term basis
  • On a year by year basis
  • Via oversubscription and buy back (BK7-19-037)

Keep in mind: because of maintenance on the TENP pipeline in Q2 2021 no bundled capacity will be offered in the first Gas year (2020-2021) on the Eynatten 2 border in the direction of Germany -> Belgium. 

However, in the direction Belgium -> Germany sufficient capacity will be offered as from Gas year 2020-2021. 

Read also Fluxys TENP’s news about the upcoming Yearly Auctions.