Fluxys Belgium: Yearly Auctions - Attention for Virtualys Exit offer

Over the past few years we noticed an important decrease in both reservations and usage of the Virtualys Exit capacity in the direction from Belgium to France.

A reduction of the technical capacity Virtualys Exit seams feasible without disrupting the market and would contribute to an efficient network operation in the future according to the Network Code CAM (EU2017/459).

Before doing so, Fluxys Belgium offers the market the possibility to give a strong signal that such amount of capacity from Belgium to France is still needed by subscribing these capacities during the yearly auctions of July 2024 in the long-term (1 July 2024 - publication 1 June 2024)
Therefore, for the capacity subscriptions for period GY2027/2028 until GY2038/39, Fluxys Belgium will only accept and allocate long-term subscriptions, meaning subscriptions for a duration of at least 10 consecutive years.

Fluxys Belgium will inform the participants via service confirmation form of their final capacity subscription allocation, if any and if different from the allocated quantities by Prisma. This service confirmation form for the final capacity subscription allocation will be sent within 5 business days after the end of the yearly auctions for the product "Virtualys - Exit - Firm Yearly".

 Compression Station Berneau

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