IUK Commodity Charges for Gas Year 2020-21

IUK has today published its latest Charging Statement introducing the Commodity Charge formulae to be applied from October 2020 for GY 20-21.

The applicable Commodity Charge will continue to be published on IUK's website on the first business day of each month, using the most recently available data, fixing the charge for the following month in order to provide cost certainty for Shippers.

IUK's continued efforts to operate efficiently, without compromising safety or reliability, mean that the fixed element of the charge for both Bacton and Zeebrugge has been lowered compared to Gas Year 2019-20, providing savings to Shippers, assuming consistency in NBP prices.

If you would like to receive an email notification when IUK publishes the applicable commodity charges, please send us an email to register.