Changes to the INT Capacity Product Offering in the BE to GB direction

INT is today providing an update on the offer of its remaining capacity for use in the BE to GB flow direction between 15 December 2021 – 31 March 2022.

INT’s Firm BE to GB capacity is largely or fully sold for the December – February period, with the remaining capacity being so far offered as Conditional Firm, to take into account the possibility of a Demand Response Event being called by INT’s Electricity Supplier for the Zeebrugge terminal. 

With the objective to continue maximising the offer of capacity to the market throughout the Winter Import Period whilst also protecting the deliverability of the existing bookings, going forward INT will offer:
Monthly products: the remaining Firm capacity (1-3% of technical BE to GB capacity, between Dec-Feb) will be offered as Firm (PRISMA and IAM). If sold out of Firm, the remaining INT capacity will be offered as an Interruptible Monthly Product via PRISMA (unbundled). There will be no offering of Conditional Firm capacity.  

Daily products: the remaining Firm Capacity, if any, will be offered in the PRISMA auction. Thereafter, all unsold capacity up to 100% of the BE to GB capacity will be offered as Interruptible in the Interruptible DA auction (unbundled). 

Within Day products: the remaining Firm Capacity, if any, will be offered in the PRISMA auctions. All unsold capacity up to 100% of the BE to GB capacity will be offered as Interruptible via Overnomination (unbundled). 

This provides a simplified and clearer commercial proposition for the remaining capacity. 

INT’s Interruptible capacity is offered to the market at 90% of the Firm capacity price to reflect the interruptible nature; in case of interruption as per Section I of the IAC the capacity cost is not reimbursable.