Interconnector Limited Opens Incremental Capacity Process

Interconnector Limited has published its Demand Indication documents in advance of the Annual Yearly Capacity Auctions.

Interconnector Limited has published its Demand Indication documents in accordance with the European Regulation NC CAM (EU) 2017/459. All interested parties are invited to submit non-binding demand indications for interconnection points within the 8 week window, which begins on the opening of the Annual Yearly Capacity Auctions at 05 July 2021. The 8 week window will close at 30 August 2021. After the window closure Interconnector will start the preparation of the Demand Assessment Report (DAR) outlining whether market interest requires potential network infrastructure expansion, publishing the final report at 25 October 2021.

All submissions for non-binding demand indications at Interconnector should be made through the relevant forms found on our website. Market participants are also invited to view National Grid's Incremental Capacity process and the Fluxys Belgium incremental process pages as our adjacent UK TSO.
For further information on the 2021 Incremental process and how Interconnector and Fluxys will be managing it please see our dedicated Incremental process page