INT Publishes Latest Charging Statement

INT has today published its latest Charging Statement which will take effect from 22 March onwards. 

The new Charging Statement includes the full suite of Winter 22/23 Capacity Tariffs to provide the market with a complete view of INT’s Winter 22/23 commercial offering well in advance of the period. 

The updates include;

  • Q4 22 and Winter-22 tariffs have been amended to 1.5p/th and 1.4p/th (both directions) and the bi-directional incentives applicable during these periods have been amended accordingly (i.e. an incentivised UK to BE tariff of 0.75p/th and 0.7p/th respectively to create a bi-directional profile).  
  • The re-introduction of the Bespoke Quarterly Incentive for the Winter period. This will be available at a tariff of 2.5p/th. 
  • The publication of the Daily tariffs for Oct 22 – Mar 23 (6.6p/th for either flow direction), as well as the publication, and in cases amendment, of the Monthly tariffs (3.3p/th for either flow direction).
  • INT has removed the Cross Seasonal Incentive.

There are no changes to the Summer tariffs, other than an amendment to the Bespoke Quarterly Incentive for the Summer 22 period (Apr-Sep), now at 2.0p/th. 

The proposed changes re-affirm INT’s approach of incentivising longer term products over shorter term products. Capacity for the Winter 22/23 period is currently available via IAM (Q4 22, Q1 23 & Win 22). For the Summer 22 period, May-Sep and Q3 22 are currently available via IAM, with April capacity (and so the Q2 22 and Sum 22 capacity) currently suspended ahead of the PRISMA Monthly Auction on 21 March. 

For more information please see INT’s latest Charging Statement.