Green Gas Initiative report

How gas and gas infrastructure can help curbing carbon and other harmful emissions

The Green Gas Initiative has launched its first report on how gas and gas infrastructure can help to achieve the European objectives for reducing carbon and other harmful emissions. The report focuses on three main topics: biomethane, power to gas and gas as a fuel in road and maritime transport.

The Green Gas Initiative joins seven independent gas infrastructure companies who committed themselves to achieve a 100% carbon-neutral gas supply in their transport infrastructure by 2050. The first Green Gas Initiative report was launched by the CEOs of the member companies at their annual meeting 2016 held in Sofia during the 14th Annual Conference of sector organization Gas Infrastructure Europe.

“Our cross-border cooperation has been very fruitful in broadening our knowhow. In the Green Gas Initiative report, we outline our achievements and current projects, give insight in what we have learned and provide recommendations in the three areas we focus upon: biomethane, power to gas and gas as a fuel in road and maritime transport,” states Ralph Bahke, CEO of ONTRAS, currently chairing the Green Gas Initiative. The chair rotates every year between the member companies.

The Green Gas Initiative members are (Denmark), Fluxys Belgium, Gaznat (Switzerland), Gasunie (the Netherlands), GRTgaz (France), ONTRAS Gastransport (Germany) and Swedegas (Sweden).

The full report, Gas and Gas Infrastructure – The Green Commitment, can be downloaded on the website of the Green Gas Initiative.