Fluxys Belgium market consultation 31 - 31bis

2018 - Market Consultation 31 - Changes in the Access Code & Standard Transmission Agreement

As from 23 October to 7 December 2018, Fluxys Belgium organized a market consultation over improvements to its transmission services with a focus on (i) simplifying booking processes, (ii) enabling the injection of renewable gases into the grid, (iii) finetuning the offer of short haul services, (iv) enlarge interruptible services, (v) adjustments for substitution services and (vi) several technical improvements.

The following document summarizes the changes : Summary of Changes

The changes were also detailed during an information session held on 24 October 2018: Presentation information session

This consultation is simultaneously conducted on two sets of documents, as our Balancing activities in the Belux area are still in transition.

First set of documents

Documents (with track changes) approved by the CREG on 26 April 2018: Fluxys Belgium operates as Balancing operator.

Second set of documents

Documents (with track changes) approved by the CREG on 26 April 2018: Balansys becomes Balancing operator for the Belux area.

2019 - Market Consultation 31bis - Changes in the Standard Transmission Agreement

As from 7 February until 18 February 2019 Fluxys Belgium organized a market consultation on the Standard Transmission Agreement with changes to Article 6.10.

More specifically, this change was consulted for the remainder of the period where Fluxys Belgium is still balancing operator. (Transfer to Balansys as balancing operator still in transition).

The following document was proposed for consultation: Standard Transmission Agreement.

Current status of the consultation

Step 1 finished step 3 finished step 4 finished step 5 finished
Invitation to participate Review after comments Approval CREG Updated documents

Consultation Reports

The consultation reports provide an overview of the main reactions to the proposed changes:

CREG decision

The decision (B)1921 (in French) is published on the CREG website.