Flexible Storage services in Zeebrugge

Access more flexible storage capacity


Which kind of storage capacity do you need ?

The available amount of LNG storage capacities which are not commercialised through standard unloading slots are offered to the market. 

Choose your type of storage depending your needs or activities in Zeebrugge.


Storage Type  Available capacities to store
(in m³ LNG)
Granularity Firmness Level Availability Allocation
Basic 140,000 10.3 days block Firm Primary market M+1, M+2
Additional 36,000 Min. 1 Year Firm

Sold-out up to 2044

Daily Profiled Min. 1 Day Firm Primary market up to D+60 FCFS
Residual up to 40,000 Min. 1 Day Firm Sold-out up to November 2024 included FCFS
Transshipment 180,000 Min. 1 Year  Firm Sold-out up to 2039
Gas In Storage Exceedings Unused Firm
storage capacity
Daily Interruptible If not all firm
storage rights are used

Basic Storage Capacity

  • Included in a standard unloading slot, but separable from a slot as from D-10, Available M+1 and M+2.
  • Basic storage period = 40 consecutive tides (10.3 days).
  • Basic storage volume = 140,000 m³ of LNG (decreasing linearly over 10.3 days).

How to book ?

Basic Storage Tariff

Additional Storage Capacity 

How to book ?

Sold-out up to 2044 on the primary market.

Additional Storage Tariff

Daily Storage Capacity

  • Can be booked FCFS up to 60 days in advance.

How to book ?

Daily Storage Capacity can be booked through the Electronic Data Platform (EDP).

Daily Storage Tariff

Residual Storage Capacity

  • Available residual storage capacity published for minimum 1 month and up to 18 months. 
  • The maximum residual storage capacity that can be offered is 40.000 m³
    (subject to expected availability).
  • This capacity is calculated and published at least 1 month and 5 days
    before the applicable month.
  • Subscriptions accepted up to 2 working days before the applicable month.
  • Allocated on a First Committed First Served basis. 

How to book ? 

Complete, sign and return the Service Request Form to info.lng@fluxys.com:

  • Sold-out until November 2024 included
Residual Storage Tariff

Transshipment Storage Capacity

  • Ideal if you need to store your LNG a few days before reloading it onto another LNG ship. 

How to book?

Sold-out up to 2039 on the primary market



Gas In Storage Exceedings

  • You can use unused firm storage rights of other shippers.
  • Only the used quantities will be invoiced at the end of the month. For each day of the concerned month, the maximum hourly unused capacity allocated to you will be charged for the full day at the firm storage tariff

How to book ?

Cannot be booked: leave your LNG in tank, you will be invoiced pay per use.

Transshipment Storage Tariff
Gas in Storage Exceedings Tariff

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Unload your LNG in Zeebrugge

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Reload your LNG ship in Zeebrugge

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Transship your LNG in Zeebrugge

Transfer your LNG from ship to ship at the Zeebrugge LNG terminal

Your point of contact