Purchasing LNG at Zeebrugge



Planning an operation at Zeebrugge Terminal but don’t have any LNG ?
No problem - you have 3 options.



Buy LNG delivered to Zeebrugge

In your LNG truck/container (Ex Works)
When you plan your truck loading operation, tell Fluxys who will be your supplier. Once the supplier has confirmed online, Fluxys will load your LNG truck/container.

On your LNG carrier (Free On Board - FOB)
Sign an agreement with another terminal user to deliver LNG when your LNG carrier is being loaded.

In the tanks
Exchange LNG stored in tanks with another terminal user by sending a free email (Edigas), providing the following information:

  • The name of the supplier (seller)
  • Time of the transfer
  • Quantity being transferred


Emix a fully digital LNG Market place

Get in touch with other customers at the Zeebrugge Terminal through Emix.

Emix provides:
Commodity exchange platform with requests and offers for (bio-)LNG at Zeebrugge terminal
Secondary capacity market for small scale LNG services at Zeebrugge terminal
Communication tool to interact easily with (new) suppliers/off-takers

Go to the Emix platform

More info about EMIX

Molecule providers in Zeebrugge

Get in touch with the following Terminal Users*.

Do you want to be mentioned among the companies below? Contact us via info.lng@fluxys.com

Reverse nominations HUB -> LNG

Do you have natural gas (in gaseous form) in the ZTP market area (Belgium) ?

You can transfer this natural gas to the tanks at Zeebrugge terminal (in liquid form).

To do so, the terminal must have enough LNG available for regasification. This regasification is then physically decreased and the transfer takes place virtually.




Not yet a customer?

Get started in 5 steps

Auch interessant

LNG TerminallingScheduling Services

Unload your LNG in Zeebrugge

LNG from anywhere in the world can be transported and unloaded by LNG ship to Zeebrugge.
LNG TerminallingScheduling Services

Reload your LNG ship in Zeebrugge

LNG stored in tanks at Zeebrugge can be loaded by small or large-scale LNG ships.
LNG TerminallingScheduling Services

Transship your LNG in Zeebrugge

Transfer your LNG from ship to ship at the Zeebrugge LNG terminal
LNG TerminallingScheduling Services

Load your LNG in trucks or containers in Zeebrugge

Load your LNG truck or container at the Zeebrugge terminal at any time.

Your point of contact