End User Domestic Exit Capacity in Belgium

Transmit natural gas to an industrial end user, a power plant or a combined heat and power (CHP) facility.



Supplying end users

Book your exit capacity now to supply end users.

Around 230 end users are directly connected to Fluxys' high-pressure grid in Belgium.

Overview of End Users

More information about supplying end users.

How to book capacity for an end user?

  • Use PRISMA to book the required capacity at your selected exit point.
  • We will also ask you to approve your Allocation Agreement via our Electronic Data Platform (EDP). The Allocation Agreement sets out the arrangements for allocating your end users' measured exit capacities to you.
  • We also request that you ask the relevant end users to approve the Allocation Agreement.

More information about booking domestic exit capacities for end users

Our Capacity Pooling service might be of interest to you 

Do you supply the same end user as other shippers?

Bundle and share all the subscribed capacity with our Capacity Pooling service. 

This means each shipper can use all or part of the bundled capacity for that end user and you can get the most out of your nominations.

More information about our Capacity Pooling service


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ZTP (BE - LUX)TransmissionScheduling Services

Data services - Final Customers in Belgium

Monitor gas consumption on your site.
With just a few clicks, you can view your hourly metering data free of charge, as well as our new Metering Inspection Reports, on our Electronic Data Platform (EDP).

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