Supplying distribution grid exit points in Belgium

Transport natural gas to a distribution grid exit point without making an explicit capacity subscription


Want to Transport Natural Gas to a Distribution Grid Exit Point?

You don't have to subscribe any capacity yourself. Each month, implicit peak-capacity allocations are made based on your end users' market share within each aggregated receiving station (ARS).

Following the migration from MIG 4 to ATRIAS MIG 6 in November 2021, the four previously existing user profiles (S30, S31, S32, S41) have been replaced by three end-user profile segments (AMR, MRC and EAV) on which the peak-capacity allocation is based.

AMR “Automatic Meter Reading” - ex-S30

  • Concerning Telemetered Final Customers - End users whose consumption is measured remotely on an hourly basis

MRC “Monthly Registered Customers”, including the following sub-segments

  • SMR3 “Smart Meter Regime 3” = Hourly registered consumption with data transmission at M+1 (and not at H+1)
  • RMV “Smart Meter Real Monthly Volume” = Monthly registered consumption between D1 of M at 06:00AM and D1 of M+1 at 06:00AM
  • EMV “Estimated Monthly Volume” = Estimation of the end user’s consumption based on monthly meter readings

EAV “Estimated Annual Volume”

  • Concerning Yearly registered end users - Estimation of the end user’s consumption based on annual meter readings (ex S41)

Each year in May (N), an hourly exit capacity value (in kWh per hour at an equivalent temperature of -11°C = Q-11C) is determined for Belgium. This value is based on an analysis of the five previous winters.

This hourly capacity value at -11°C is spread across the three above mentioned segments for a period going from 1 October N to 30 September N+1:

  • Q-11C AMR
  • Q-11C MRC
  • Q-11C EAV

How is your Allocated Capacity Determined?

For segments MRC and EAV, your allocated capacity is determined based on the commodity allocations calculated by the distribution system operator (DSO).

For segment AMR, your allocated capacity is calculated based on each end user's peak consumption over the last 12 months.

Details regarding Segment Calculation


  • Each month, the DSO sends a commodity allocation per shipper of a given ARS within segment EAV to Fluxys
  • Based on Q-11C EAV, a monthly calculation for the period from 1 October N to 30 September N+1 is performed
  • The capacity allocation per ARS is determined by dividing your commodity allocation per ARS for EAV by the commodity allocation for Belgium and multiplying by Q-11C EAV.


  • The DSO sends the commodity allocation of a given ARS for segments within MRC for January to Fluxys
  • Based on Q-11C MRC, a monthly calculation for the period from 1 October N to 30 September N+1 is performed
  • The capacity allocation per ARS is determined by dividing your commodity allocation per ARS for the month of January by the total for Belgium for this month, multiplied by Q-11C MRC.


  • The DSO sends the hourly values per shipper for each telemetering readings of a given ARS for segment AMR spread over 12 months to Fluxys
  • The capacity allocation per ARS is determined by dividing the sum of peaks over a 12-month period of your telemetering readings by the total of all hourly peaks of all telemetering readings for Belgium, multiplied by Q-11C AMR.

To illustrate this, you will find below an example of calculation for segment MRC with two ARSs and two shippers:

    Q-11C-capacity for segment MRC/Belgium = 1,000 kWh/h  

Would you like to estimate your distribution capacity ?

For the EAV segment:

  • Take your client’s standard annual consumption (kWh).
  • Divide this consumption by the indicative estimation factor corresponding to the number of operating hours.

For the MRC segment:

  • Take your client’s consumption for the month of January (kWh).
  • Divide this consumption by the indicative estimation factor corresponding to the number of operating hours.

For the AMR segment:

  • Take your client’s peak consumption (kWh).
  • Multiply this consumption by the indicative estimation factor.

You will find below an overview of the applying indicative estimation factors:

- from 1 October 2024 to 30 September 2025

Telemeasured end customers

The yearly indicative estimation factor for end customers type AMR "Automatic Meter Reading" (IEFAMR,y) = 0.838

Profiled end customers

The yearly indicative estimation factor for end customers type MRC "Monthly Registered Client" (IEFMRC,y) = 299
The yearly indicative estimation factor for end customers type EAV "Estimated Yearly Volume" (IEFEAV,y) = 1506

History of indicative estimation factors

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