Transporter Eric Mattheeuws and Fluxys are joining forces to construct a CNG filling station in Veurne

In 2014, transporter Eric Mattheeuws and natural gas infrastructure company Fluxys built a liquefied natural gas (LNG) filling station for heavy trucks at the haulage company's premises in Veurne. Now the two partners are joining forces again to expand the facility, adding a publicly accessible compressed natural gas (CNG) filling station.

Veurne will be the first location in this part of Belgium where CNG vehicles can refuel. Moreover, the filling station is well located, close to the E40 motorway. The filling station will open to the public this autumn.

CEO Eric Mattheeuws said: "When you look at a map of Belgium, you’ll find that CNG vehicles have no refuelling possibilities in southwest Flanders. Our investment will bridge this gap and help round the cape of 100 CNG filling stations in Belgium by the end of the year".

Fluxys Managing Director Pascal De Buck added: "Anyone switching from petrol or diesel to natural gas will immediately lower their impact on the climate, the environment and public health. Natural gas-powered vehicles are also significantly quieter. In Europe, more than 1 million cars are already fuelled by CNG, with Italy and Germany leading the way. Belgium is lagging behind in Europe, but the market is now burgeoning here too, with the total number of CNG-powered vehicles having more than doubled to almost 6,500 since early last year".