Fluxys launches 4 additional proposals for hydrogen and CO2 infrastructure in Belgium

Today’s additional proposals invite industrial parties to express their interest to connect into open access infrastructure for hydrogen in Liège & Mons and for CO2 in Antwerp & Ghent.

"Today the market has a complete overview of the open access decarbonisation infrastructure we propose in all main industrial clusters in Belgium. The way is now fully open to jointly make the move towards carbon-neutrality."

Steven Van Caekenberghe, Fluxys’ Head of H2 & CO2 Program

More about the additional proposals for open access hydrogen infrastructure: Liège & Mons

More about the additional proposals for open access CO2 infrastructure: Antwerp & Ghent

Joint commercial process initiated in early 2021

Fluxys in early 2021 initiated a joint commercial process to facilitate the development of a hydrogen and CO2 infrastructure in Belgium. Potential users and industrial players of the future hydrogen and CO2 network were invited to participate in an informative market consultation. The information gathered gave a clear overview on how market needs may develop geographically and over time.

The proposals launched today and in December last year mark a next step towards building new pipelines and repurposing existing infrastructure in line with market needs, allowing Fluxys to transport efficiently both hydrogen and CO2 by mid-2026.

Full fit with federal government’s hydrogen strategy

This market reach-out fully fits in with the federal government’s hydrogen strategy published in October 2021. Fluxys proposes to develop the necessary infrastructure at industrial cluster level, to create connections between such clusters and with neighbouring countries in order to make Belgium an import and transit hub in an European wide hydrogen backbone.