Actualités & Presse

Looking for Storage opportunities ?

The following golden Standard Bundled Units (SBU) and Priority Booster capacities are for sale at Loenhout Storage facility as from storage year 2022-2023.

Check out the storage calendar to see when the products you are interested in will be available!

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Egalement intéressant

ZTP (BE - LUX)StockageScheduling Services

Golden Standard Bundled Unit

Boost your injection/withdrawal rate to the maximum and seize every market opportunity.
ZTP (BE - LUX)StockageScheduling Services

Priority Booster

Get priority on the available unused capacity on a daily basis with a maximum of the subscribed amount for that period.

ZTP (BE - LUX)StockageScheduling Services

Dépassement du gaz en stock (Dépassement GIS)

Dépassez vos volumes souscrits jusqu’à maximum 106% de votre volume de stockage.
ZTP (BE - LUX)StockageScheduling Services

Transfert de gaz en stock (Transfert GIS)

Transférez votre gaz naturel stocké à un autre utilisateur du stockage.
ZTP (BE - LUX)StockageScheduling Services

Storage Products' Availability

Looking for storage opportunities ? Discover our storage products and their availabilities.


ZTP (BE - LUX)StockageScheduling Services

Storage Data

Data about the booked and available storage service and the filling rate of the storage facility.

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