Fluxys Belgium - New Storage Auction - 14/04/2022

Fluxys Belgium is organizing a new auction for its Golden SBUs

Golden SBU Speed (incl. interruptible capacities): 100/64

Auction Details

The auction details are defined in the Amended Terms and Conditions (see below).

  • Date: 14 April 2022
  • Time: 10:00 AM, Brussels time
  • Product offered: 114 420 Golden SBUs
  • Reserve price (indicative): €0,1/MWh

How can you take part in the auction?

In order to take part in this auction, you must provide us with the following documents prior to the auction. Please note that if you already provided these documents for the previous auction, you do not need the send them again, you only need to send a confirmation of participation to info.storage@fluxys.com.

More information?

Feel free to contact our Key Account Managers or send your questions to info.storage@fluxys.com