Capacity at new Achim II market area interconnection point available on PRISMA

Fluxys Deutschland now also offers capacities on NEL at the new market area interconnection point Achim II between the market areas GASPOOL and NCG.

At Exit Achim II we offer 1,393,729 kWh/h bundled DZK capacity with Open Grid Europe GmbH. Furthermore, we offer an equal amount of unbundled interruptible capacities.
The capacities are offered via PRISMA in the Day Ahead and Within Day auctions as well as in the monthly, quarterly and annual yearly auctions.
The tariff for DZK Exit Achim II is 2.150 € /(kWh/h)/a and the tariff for Interruptible Exit Achim II is 1.935 € /(kWh/h)/a.