Third edition of the Gas Regional Investment Plan for Northwestern Europe

Today the North West European Transmission System Operators have published their Gas Regional Investment Plan 2017 (North West Gas Regional Investment Plan – NW GRIP 2017). Besides the update of all elements related to infrastructure development in the Region, the NW GRIP 2017 focuses on the way gas infrastructure can contribute to a sustainable energy transition and on the conversion of L-gas to H-gas in Belgium, France and Germany.

In the ENTSOG press release, Pascal De Buck, ENTSOG board member and CEO of mother company Fluxys, states: “The TSOs of the Northwest region operate a vital part of the European gas system and this new edition of our regional investment plan confirms this role in the future. The new section focusing on the energy transition is of particular interest from a forward looking perspective: it highlights the key importance of gas and gas infrastructure to successfully integrate renewable energy while keeping the overall energy system robust and affordable both for power generation, heating and mobility.”

> To the ENTSOG press release
> To the NW GRIP 2017 and the consultation document inviting all stakeholders to give their feedback on the NW GRIP 2017