PRISMA Yearly Auction on 5 July 2021: information about the capacity offer of Fluxys Deutschland

Dear transport customers,

We would herewith like to provide you with information regarding the capacities of Fluxys Deutschland GmbH and Fluxys TENP GmbH which will be offered in the upcoming yearly capacity auctions on PRISMA to be held on 5 July 2021 (publication on 5 June 2021). This information is provided only for your convenience and is of non-binding nature.


Publication of tariff sheets for the year 2022

Fluxys Deutschland and Fluxys TENP have published on 4 June 2021 the tariff sheets according to the REGENT decision of the Bundesnetzagentur (BNetzA) for the calendar year 2022 on their websites:

Fluxys Deutschland:

Fluxys TENP:


Products offered

The auction products can be found on the PRISMA platform:


Overview of available and booked capacities

A capacity overview of Fluxys Deutschland and Fluxys TENP can be found here:

- For capacities marketed by a partner TSO at a VIP, please refer to the respective publication of this TSO.

The entry capacities are offered in accordance with the following BNetzA-decisions:

  • Procedure BK7-20-011 from 24 April 2020, approving the level of calculated technical capacities according to Section 9 (4) GasNZV
  • --Resolution BK7-19-037 from 25 March 2019 introducing an oversubscription and buy-back scheme for additional capacity offer (KAP+).

An overview of base- and oversubscription-capacities of Fluxys Deutschland and Fluxys TENP is published under this link:


Publication of new General Terms and Conditions (GTC)

The new GTC as well as the new Supplementary Entry-Exit Contract Terms and Conditions of Fluxys Deutschland and Fluxys TENP valid as of 1 October 2021 will be published on 1 August 2021 at the latest.


Use of the capacity product “Dynamically Allocable Capacity” (DZK) in the new Market Area THE

DZK at cross-border interconnection points (GÜP) and virtual interconnection points (VIP) enables network usage on a firm basis from a booked entry point to a predefined exit point or to a booked exit point from a predefined entry point. The use of booked DZK on a firm basis is possible if the corresponding entry and exit capacities are brought into the same balancing group at the above-mentioned network points and the amount of nominated Entry and Exit quantities correspond in each given hour. The use of a separate DZK balancing group is no longer necessary.


Change in the specifications of the capacity product “Conditionally Firm Freely Allocable Capacity” (bFZK)

As of 1 October 2021, the specifications of the bFZK-product marketed by Fluxys TENP will change from the current bFZKkomb (usage restriction: temperature- and flow-related) respectively bFZKlast (usage restriction: flow-related) to bFZKtemp (usage restriction: temperature-related).

The changes in the specification of the bFZK-products will be explained in detail in Annex 2, Supplementary Entry-Exit Contract Terms and Conditions of Fluxys TENP, valid as of 1 October 2021



Capacity offer at the points marketed by Fluxys Deutschland:


Greifswald Entry:

Fluxys Deutschland´s capacities for the next 15 gas years at the IP Greifswald Entry will be marketed depending on the respective assignment restriction.

The DZK1- and DZK2-capacities will be marketed according to the assignment restrictions valid as of 1 October 2021, as published on Fluxys Deutschland’s website:

Achim II Exit:

Due to the market area merger in Germany, the IP Achim II will disappear as bookable IP as from gas year 2021/22.

Lubmin II Entry:

Fluxys Deutschland´s capacities for the next 5 gas years at the IP Lubmin II Entry will be marketed separately depending on the respective assignment restriction. The EUGAL string 2 went into operation at 1 April 2020. The corresponding available capacities will be marketed accordingly in the upcoming yearly auction.


The EUGAL string 2 went into operation at 1 April 2020. The corresponding available capacities will be marketed  in the upcoming yearly auction by the VIP-TSO GASCADE Gastransport GmbH.


Capacity offer at the Points marketed by Fluxys TENP:


VIP TTF-NCG-H and VIP Belgium-NCG:

Fluxys TENP’s capacities for the next 15 gas years at the VIP TTF-NCG-H and VIP Belgium-NCG will be marketed by the VIP-TSO Open Grid Europe GmbH (OGE).

VIP Germany-CH:

Fluxys TENP’s capacities for the next 15 gas years will be marketed by Fluxys TENP as VIP-TSO at the VIP Germany-CH. Furthermore, Fluxys TENP will also market the available capacities of OGE at the VIP Germany-CH.



Use of Balancing Groups of Trading Hub Europe (THE) in the upcoming yearly auction

We hereby inform you about the use of Balancing Groups of THE in the upcoming yearly auction on PRISMA:

All current balancing group contracts of both market area NetConnect Germany (NCG) and GASPOOL (GPL) will be transferred to the market area Trading Hub Europe (THE) as of 01.10.2021, 06:00. The balancing group designations of the balancing groups/sub balancing groups (BG/SBG) will be migrated to the new nomenclature on the basis of the "THE balancing group list" finally published on 01 July 2021.

The transmission system operators (TSO) will carry out a 1:1 migration of the GPL and NCG-BG/SBG to the new THE-BG/SBG nomenclature for the yearly auction and make the new THE balancing groups available on  PRISMA. If balancing group allocations by third parties are planned, we request the shippers concerned to submit an updated power of attorney pursuant to Section 7 para. 5 GTC to the respective TSO by 30 June 2021.

In addition, due to the market area merger, all market area interconnection points (MÜP) will cease to exist, and can therefore no longer be booked beyond 01.10.2021, 06:00 hours.

Depending on the timestamp of a capacity booking, the following must be observed for the inclusion of capacities into a balancing group/sub-balancing account (BG/SBG).


a) Auction for firm capacity products for gas year 2021/2022  on 05.07.2021:

  • Capacity bookings at VIPs, cross-border interconnection points and storage points should be brought into the new THE balancing groups. The GPL- and NCG-BG/SBG are additionally still available.
  • If the THE balancing groups provided by the TSO do not correspond to the balancing groups you require, a subsequent adjustment of the allocation of the capacity contracts to another THE balancing group is possible until 28.09.2021 at the latest.
  • Please note: for the "Comfort Bid" process offered onPRISMA, the new THE balancing groups are not expected to be available until early July 2021.


    b) Existing capacity bookings with runtime beginning on or after 01.10.2021, 06:00 hours:

  • Existing capacity contracts with validity from 01.10.2021, 06:00 hours, or a contract runtime beyond 01.10.2021, 06:00 hours, that are brought into NCG or GPL balancing groups are expected to be transferred to the new THE balancing groups from 05 July 2021. This will have no effect on your contract charges.

    Please forward your new THE-BG via  Email to:

  • If these existing capacity contracts have not yet been included in the THE balancing groups by 01.09.2021, the affected shippers will be informed accordingly.
  • On 28.09.2021, the TSO will carry out a final withdrawal of all capacity contracts from NCG or GPL balancing groups as of 01.10.2021, 06:00 hours (end of validity of these balancing groups).


    c) Capacity bookings with runtime until 01.10.2021, 06:00 hours:

  • All capacity bookings are included into the previous NCG or GPL balancing groups.


Note on the visualization and selection of network points on the capacity platforms:

The network points on PRISMA will also be converted to THE in the course of the conversion processes. Some network points will already be marketed with the new market area THE in the yearly auction, while other network points will keep their old designation up to shortly before 01.10.2021. There will be restrictions in the visualization of the network points, but this will not affect their booking processes.


Note on nominations as of 01.10.2021, 06:00 hours:

Please note that all nominations for periods starting from 01.10.2021, 06:00 hours, onwards may be submitted to the TSO only for THE balancing groups.


For any question, please do not hesitate to contact us:
