Notice regarding Incremental Capacity Auctions on 05 July 2021

Dear transport customers,

Fluxys Deutschland GmbH would like draw your attention on the process steps for the Incremental Capacity Auction which will happen on 05 July 2021.

In case you would participate in one of the Incremental Capacity Auctions of Fluxys Germany, which are published on the PRISMA platform, and submit a bid, this bid will be registered on the platform. After successful completion of the auctions, the status of the respective auction is then set to "pending". 
It is important to know that the German regulatory authority "Bundesnetzagentur" (BNetzA) will after the auctions first of all conduct an economic test for each of the respective INC-projects. For these projects, for which the test is negative, no project will be validated and no transport contract will be concluded between the transmission system operator (TSO) and the shipper. 
In the event however of a positive outcome of the economic test of an INC- project, subsequently and automatically a binding transport contract is concluded between the TSO and the shipper. We draw your attention that for this contract, in addition to the regulated tariff, a mandatory minimum premium resulting from the economic test is levied in any case. The exact amount of the mandatory minimum premium depends on the booking scenario and is to be levied by the TSO. Once the positive outcome of economic test has been confirmed the status of the respective auctions will be set to “complete” on PRISMA. 
For more information please read the following regulations (Decision of the German regulatory authority): Lubmin II upgrade (Project BK9-20/002) and RU-THE (Project BK9 20/007).
Please also note Fluxys Deutschland’s GTC Annex 6 for the Incremental Capacity auction under the following link: Annex 6