Fluxys LNG : Subscription window as from 30 April to 24 May 2019

Subscribe unloading slots and additional storage services at the Zeebrugge LNG Terminal as from 30 April to 24 May 2019

Subscription window for unloading slots and additional storage services at the Zeebrugge LNG terminal is open. This is a highly attractive opportunity for companies to secure LNG Terminalling capacity with an experienced capacity provider at a key strategic location providing optimum destination flexibility.

Gas import needs in Northwest Europe set to rise significantly

Fluxys LNG opens the 2019 subscription window in response to market signals indicating interest in LNG Terminalling capacity as gas import needs in Northwest Europe are set to rise significantly. While gas production in The Netherlands and the North Sea is declining, gas demand for power generation will increase to accommodate the phase-out of sizeable coal, lignite and nuclear power generation capacity in the region.

Zeebrugge terminal key LNG gateway into Northwest Europe

The Zeebrugge LNG terminal ticks all the boxes for our LNG customers who are keen to close the forthcoming supply/demand gap in Northwest Europe:

  • Enjoy optimum destination flexibility: direct access to the Belgian market (ZTP) and fully interconnected with the gas systems of all surrounding markets (TTF, Gaspool, NCG, TRF and NBP) and take-away capacity from the terminal is readily available.
  • We operate the Zeebrugge LNG terminal since 1987 with an excellent track record for reliability, service availability and flexibility.
  • Our tariffs are among the most competitive in Northwest Europe.
  • Benefit from our versatility: LNG ships of any type and size can unload or load at the facility, transshipment of LNG between ships is also provided for and the terminal serves as a hub for small-scale LNG (e.g. truckloading) as well.

Subscribe now

Unloading slots and additional storage services at the Zeebrugge LNG terminal are offered over subsequent periods up to 2044 during this subscription window.

  • Read the Terms & Conditions and register as a participant in the Subscription window (Terms and Conditions – section 8)
  • Submit your binding requests for capacity to info.LNG@fluxys.com as from 30 April to 24 May 2019.
  • The requested services will be allocated to the subscription window participants by 20 November 2019 at the latest;
  • The subscription window procedures, LNG services on offer, tariff conditions and allocation rules are detailed in the terms and conditions available to any interested party on our website.


Important related documents

For more information on related tariffs & contract, please consult the market consultations 36 & 37.


Your point of contact