Emix a fully digital LNG market place

In order to support the commercial processes of our clients in the Zeebrugge terminal, Fluxys LNG developed a fully digital LNG Market Place (Beta), Emix.

What does Emix provide?

Advertising page with requests and offers for (bio-)LNG at Zeebrugge terminal
Secondary market for small scale LNG services at Zeebrugge terminal
Communication tool to interact easily with (new) suppliers/off-takers

Get a first impression via this tutorial video

For whom?

• Every party who has signed one of the following contracts: CSA, LSA, LTA, LTL, LTSA or a bunkering agreement.

Service fee?

No service fee applied

How do you log in?

Go to the Emix platform and login with your credentials for the Electronic Data Platform or contact info.LNG@fluxys.com to create an account.

Update: Since February 2024, both storage and LNG clients can access the platform directly via the general Gsmart platform (with an Extranet Manager role).

Don’t forget to indicate on the Emix platorm if you want to be notified (via mail) when new offers/requests have been published.

More information?

Feel free to contact your key account manager or send us an email at info.LNG@fluxys.com.