Fluxys LNG - Subscription Window for SABR and ABR for 2023

In 2022, small-scale ship loading and unloading services were used more than ever and the market shows interest for booking additional slots. Therefore, Fluxys LNG organizes a Subscription Window between the 28th February 2023 and the 20th March 2023 for the commercialization of Additional Berthing Rights (“ABRs”) and Stand Alone Berthing Rights (“SABRs”) for the year 2023, and for the conversion of already subscribed ABRs into SABRs.


What is offered?

During the Subscription Window, 13 ABRs/SABRs are offered for the period starting on the 1st April 2023 and ending on the 31st December 2023.

Owners of ABRs subscribed before the Opening Date of the Subscription Window have the opportunity to convert each ABR into an equivalent of three (3) SABRs.


How to subscribe?

  • Complete, sign and send us the Terms & Conditions (TCSW) and the Service Request Form for Contracting (SRFC) at the latest by 20th March 2023 at 15h00.
  • Based on the binding requests received, Fluxys LNG will – before the 24th March 2023 – allocate and communicate the results of the Subscription Window.
  • The Start Date for allocated ABRs and SABRs is planned for 1st April 2023. 

Zeebrugge LNG Terminal aerial

You are not an LNG shipper yet?

Sign an LNG Terminalling Agreement (LTA) before participating in this Subscription Window.

Feel free to contact your Key Account Manager or send your questions to info.lng@fluxys.com.