Fluxys LNG - Regasification Slots available on sale for 1 and 24 December 2024

Fluxys LNG is offering two standard size Slots to unload, store and regasify LNG cargoes in the Zeebrugge LNG Terminal, starting on 1 and 24 December 2024.

For these cargoes, Fluxys LNG commercializes the firm rights to unload, store and regasify up to 140 000 m³ LNG over 10 days, by following the profiles detailed hereafter:


When and how will these Slots be offered?

The Slots of 1 and 24 December 2024 will be offered one by one in two consecutive auctions on 3 October 2024. The first auction will start at 10h Belgian time, the following auction will start around 5 minutes after the previous one.

This Auction will take place via a dedicated Auction Website

Please find below a tutorial of 15 minutes about the auctioning tool (participation conditions of an auction, characteristics of an auction, how to get access to the auctioning tool, how to place bids and how an auction is closed).



Interested to participate in these Auctions?

Please note that in order to take part in these Auctions, you need to have signed the LNG Services Agreement (LSA). 

All communication concerning participation is to be done to info.lng@fluxys.com.

If you already signed our T&C - LNG Auctions version July 2023, and you want to participate in the upcoming auctions, please provide us by 1 October 2024 noon (12h) Belgian time with:

  • Which Bidder will represent your company in which Auction, note that only this (principal) Bidder will be accepted to take part in such Auction
  • If you wish to add a new Bidder for your company which is not yet registered, send us a signed version of Schedule 1 T&Cs – Power of Attorney,
  • In case of any changes on the company's official Power of Attorney, proving that the signatories of the Power of Attorney have the power to act on behalf of your company, also a new version of your company's official Power of Attorney

If you have not signed the current version of our T&Cs – LNG Auctions (version July 2023), please inform and send us by 1 October 2024 noon (12h) Belgian time (if applicable) :

  • Duly signed Form of Acknowledgement (page 1) together with the other pages of these Terms & Conditions ("T&C LNG Auctions") initialed from page 0 to page 7 included.
  • A signed version of Schedule 1 T&Cs – Power of Attorney,
  • The company's official Power of Attorney, proving that the signatories of the Power of Attorney have the power to act on behalf of your company
  • Which Bidder will represent your company in this Auction, note that only this (principal) Bidder will be accepted to take part in such Auction

By 2 October 2024 noon (12h) Belgian time, Fluxys LNG will confirm whether Participant to the Terms & Conditions is admitted and send login and password of the Auction Platform to any new Bidder(s). 

In case of any issue with the Auction Website (before the start of an Auction), please submit a written bid to info.lng@fluxys.com by making use of the following fall-back bidding form.

How will these Slots be allocated?

These Slots will be allocated via the Ascending Clock Algorithm:

  • The starting price is the regulated tariff of 615.865,94 €. The Major Price Step is 100 000 €, the Minor Price Step is 50 000 €,
  • The duration of 1 Round is 3 minutes and between 2 Rounds there is a duration of 1 minute,
  • The allocation mechanism is described here.

Zeebrugge LNG Terminal aerial

More information?

Feel free to contact your Key Account Manager or send your questions to info.lng@fluxys.com.