Construction of new sections of the TENP-I pipeline system in the context of the Network Development Plan for gas 2018-2028

In addition to the information already published on 27th September 2017, 21st March 2018 and 6th June 2018 regarding the situation of the TENP-I pipeline (temporary capacity restriction), Fluxys TENP and OGE publish hereby the following update.

In order to ensure the security of supply needs resulting from the “German Network Development Plan for gas 2018-2028” (NDP 2018), OGE and Fluxys TENP in their function as shareholders of TENP KG have decided to build new pipeline sections between Mittelbrunn-Schwanheim and Hügelheim-Tannenkirch, as well as the necessary connections to the TENP-II pipeline. The measures will be included in the NDP 2018. Under the currently ongoing maintenance measure no. 21019101 investigations of the remaining TENP-I sections are proceeding. At the side of Fluxys TENP, a capacity of rd. 13 GWh/h will be available at entry Bocholtz and of rd. 9 GWh/h at exit Wallbach from 01.10.2020 onwards, unless otherwise indicated.

As a result of this investment, the required capacity for security of supply for the Baden-Württemberg area as identified in previous NDP-processes, being an additional demand of 5.2 GWh/h, will be secured. Additionally, these investments will secure a capacity of 13.3 GWh/h at the Cross-Border Exit Point Wallbach.

However, the Italian, Swiss and German authorities have asked the involved TSOs to investigate further whether the above mentioned capacity requirements at the Cross-Border Exit Point Wallbach are sufficient in order to fulfil the security of supply requirements for Switzerland and Italy. A respective analysis is ongoing.

OGE and Fluxys TENP will continue to duly and timely inform the market about any new development regarding the above.