Important information of Fluxys TENP and OGE regarding the capacity offer during upcoming maintenance works

Important information regarding the capacity offer at the points Exit VIP Germany-CH, Entry VIP TTF-NCG-H and Entry VIP Belgium-NCG during upcoming maintenance works.
As already communicated on 27 March 2020, the final phase of the construction works of the maintenance work No. 307-01 (“GDRM-Anlage Mittelbrunn”) which is included in the  Network Development Plan Gas 2016-2026 (NDP 2016) had to be postponed due to the COVID-19-pandemic.
Based on the planned maintenance work No. 21022876 (published on 10 July  2020), the physical gas transport between the TENP and MEGAL pipeline systems will be restricted from 1 April 2021, 06:00 hours until 1 July 2021, 06:00 hours. As a consequence, during this time period bFZK capacities at Entry Bocholtz / VIP TTF-NCG-H and FZK capacities at Exit Wallbach / VIP Germany-CH will be impacted.
However, physical transport on the TENP pipeline from Entry Bocholtz (Entry VIP TTF-NCG-H) to Exit Wallbach (Exit VIP Germany-CH) will remain possible on firm basis with interruptible access to the Virtual Trading Point of NCG. Therefore, Fluxys TENP and OGE will offer during the entire Q2 2021 (transport period: 1 April 2021, 06:00 hours – 1 July 2021, 06:00 hours) DZK capacities between Entry VIP TTF-NCG-H and Exit VIP Germany-CH. The DZK product enables a transport on firm basis for parties nominating in balance between the predetermined entry and exit points (here: Entry Bocholtz / VIP TTF-NCG-H and Exit Wallbach / VIP Germany-CH). OGE will offer DZK capacities at Entry VIP TTF-NCG-H, Fluxys TENP will offer DZK capacities at Exit VIP Germany-CH.
Furthermore, Fluxys TENP would like to inform you that the measure No. 21022231 (part of NDP 2016, ID 204-02a and 205-02a) will take place in the grid of OGE from 7 October 2020, 06:00 hours until 14 November 2020, 06:00 hours. With this measure the “Zeelink”-pipeline will be integrated into the grid of OGE and the works will have an impact on FZK capacities and bFZK capacities at Entry Bocholtz / VIP TTF-NCG-H as well as part of FZK capacities at Exit Wallbach / VIP Germany-CH.
Therefore, Fluxys TENP and OGE will offer additional DZK capacities at Entry VIP TTF-NCG-H as well as at Exit VIP Germany-CH during the above mentioned affected time period. This proceeding is the same as the above explained offer of additional DZK capacities during the measure Nr. 21022876
A detailed overview on the impacts of the above-mentioned maintenance measures on the entry and exit points along the TENP pipeline can be found in the publications of the maintenance works 2020/2021 under the following link:
Interruptible capacities will be offered during the above-mentioned affected time periods. Remaining available firm capacities will be offered in the respective monthly, day ahead and within-day auctions according to the PRISMA auction calendar.
Fluxys TENP and OGE aim to minimize the impact of these maintenance measures on the capacity offer as much as possible and apologize for any inconveniences caused. For finding suitable solutions and for any further questions related to these maintenance measures please feel free to contact Fluxys TENP and OGE.