Fluxys Belgium market consultation 66 - Update for the injection of compatible and non compatible gases in the methane network

Participate in our market consultation that will take place from 17 November 2023 to 8 December 2023. The following changes are introduced in the regulatory documents:

  1. Introducing the new domestic points for injection
  2. introduction of a capacity type conditional for entry capacity at domestic points for injection
  3. reviewing of the quality conversion to H service for the injection of H2NG blends and biomethane
  4. reducing the Wobbe Index range and introducing global and local quality specifications at domestic points for injection
  5. simplifying the calculation for capacity exceeding fee
  6. removing all the references to OCUCs and wheelings
  7. removing all references to the Electronic Booking System (EBS)
  8. minor changes to the Standard Transmission Agreement and Access Code and various minor editorial changes.

The following document summarises the proposed changes: Key Note Consultation 66


Documents in consultation (with track changes):


You are kindly invited to send your written comments to marketing@fluxys.com by 8 December 2023 before 17:00 CET.

Please mention in your response whether the content is to be treated as confidential or not. Unless otherwise specified, all comments will be treated as non-confidential.


Statut actuel de la consultation

Step 1 finished
Invitation à la participation Révision après commentaires Approbation CREG Documents mis à jour


Rapport de consultation

Le rapport de consultation (en anglais uniquement) donne un aperçu des réactions à la consultation: Rapport de Consultation 66


Décision de la CREG

La décision (B)2737 est publiée sur le site de la CREG.