Fluxys Belgium market consultation 66 - Update for the injection of compatible and non compatible gases in the methane network
Participate in our market consultation that will take place from 17 November 2023 to 8 December 2023. The following changes are introduced in the regulatory documents:
- Introducing the new domestic points for injection
- introduction of a capacity type conditional for entry capacity at domestic points for injection
- reviewing of the quality conversion to H service for the injection of H2NG blends and biomethane
- reducing the Wobbe Index range and introducing global and local quality specifications at domestic points for injection
- simplifying the calculation for capacity exceeding fee
- removing all the references to OCUCs and wheelings
- removing all references to the Electronic Booking System (EBS)
- minor changes to the Standard Transmission Agreement and Access Code and various minor editorial changes.
The following document summarises the proposed changes: Key Note Consultation 66
Documents in consultation (with track changes):
- Standard Transmission Agreement
- Access Code for Transmission: Attachment A
- Access Code for Transmission: Attachment B
- Access Code for Transmission: Attachment C1
- Access Code for Transmission: Attachment C2
- Access Code for Transmission: Attachment C3
- Access Code for Transmission: Attachment C4
- Access Code for Transmission: Attachment E
- Access Code for Transmission: Attachment G
- Transmission Programme
You are kindly invited to send your written comments to marketing@fluxys.com by 8 December 2023 before 17:00 CET.
Please mention in your response whether the content is to be treated as confidential or not. Unless otherwise specified, all comments will be treated as non-confidential.
Huidige status van de consultatie
Uitnodiging om deel te nemen | Herziening na commentaren | Goedkeuring CREG | Aangepaste documenten |
Het Consultatierapport (enkel in het Engels) geeft een overzicht van de voornaamste commentaren: Consultatierapport 66.
CREG Beslissing
De beslissing (B)2737 is gepubliceerd op de CREG website.