Fluxys Deutschland

Products & Services

Transmission Services

Transmission customers can book with us capacity in the NEL and EUGAL pipelines to supply Germany and Europe with their gas.

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How to become a shipper?


All allocation 
restrictions for dynamically allocable capacities are available in Annex 4 STC.


About Fluxys Deutschland

Fluxys Deutschland GmbH is a transmission system operator who is marketing 23.87% of the transport capacity of the NEL pipeline and 16.5% of the transport capacity of the EUGAL pipeline. We combine our international expertise with close customer interaction to provide high-level services for the supply of the German gas market and the markets beyond. As a Fluxys group company it is our mission to contribute to a sustainable energy supply in the future.

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NEL pipeline and EUGAL pipeline

Security of supply for Germany and Europe

The NEL and EUGAL pipelines enable the reliable and efficient onward transport of gas, which lands on the German Baltic coast, within Germany and to neighbouring countries. In this way, both pipeline systems contribute to a secure energy supply in Europe.

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