FluxSwiss is offering transportation capacities North-South in the route Wallbach – Gries Pass and South-North in the routes Gries Pass – Wallbach and Gries Pass – Oltingue on a Firm basis for the Month of December 2024.
The qualification phase to book up to 2 Bcma has started and will end on July 30th, 2021.
Subject to market interest, we plan to offer 636 GWh of storage volume to the market for the period 15/04/2021 - 14/04/2022 through an auction organized by the beginning of October.
Your access to the Fluxys Belgium and Creos Luxembourg Transmission Services and the market-based balancing activity operated by Balansys is our priority!
The results of the non-binding window confirm a solid market demand for additional Send Out Capacities in Zeebrugge as from 2024.
FluxSwiss is offering transportation capacities North-South in the route Wallbach – Gries Pass and South-North in the routes Gries Pass – Wallbach and Gries Pass – Oltingue on a Firm basis for the Month of November 2024.
Looking for LNG opportunities ?
The following ship and truck capacities are currently available for sale at the Zeebrugge and Dunkirk LNG terminals.
De Holcim Groep maakt vastberaden werk van het verminderen van haar CO2-, wat kadert in de ambities van de regio’s waar de Groep aanwezig is. In België is de ecologische en klimatologische ambitie koolstofneutraliteit te bereiken tegen het einde van het decennium dankzij het programma GO4ZERO. Een van de pijlers om deze doelstelling te bereiken, steunt op het hergebruik en de permanente opslag van CO2.
Fluxys strives to develop the most efficient CO₂ transmission solutions for North-West Europe. Doing so requires the timely alignment of an end-to-end logistic chain from the CO₂ emissions capture sites towards the safe and permanent storage into sequestration fields. Today, to proceed with the further development of the CO₂ marine terminals, Fluxys is inviting you to answer a market consultation, sharing the relevant information to ensure the technical compatibility of your CO₂ carrier vessels with the Fluxys' terminals and to enable the commercialization of a full value chain including your service offering and develop efficient CCS solutions.
FluxSwiss is offering transportation capacities North-South direction in the route Wallbach – Gries Pass on a Firm basis for the Month of April 2023.
Do not miss our subscription window for LNG Truck Loading Services. The demand is growing rapidly and the window allows you to book at a tariff discount of 10%.
FluxSwiss is offering transportation capacities North-South direction in the route Wallbach – Gries Pass on a Firm basis for the Month of February 2023.
Fluxys LNG is offering 2 Slots to unload, store and regasify 2 LNG cargoes in the Zeebrugge LNG Terminal, starting respectively on 23 March and 28 March 2023.
For these 2 cargoes, Fluxys LNG has upgraded the standard Slot size and commercializes as a bundle the firm rights to unload, store and regasify up to 165 000 m³ LNG over 10 days.
Fluxys LNG is offering 2 Slots to unload, store and regasify 2 LNG cargoes in the Zeebrugge LNG Terminal, starting respectively on 2 December and 23 December 2022.
For these 2 cargoes, Fluxys LNG has upgraded the standard Slot size and commercializes as a bundle the firm rights to unload, store and regasify up to 165 000 m³ LNG over 10 days.
Fluxys LNG is offering a standard Slot to unload, store and regas LNG in the Zeebrugge LNG Terminal with Slot Start Date of 8 July 2022.
Fluxys LNG is offering 3 standard Slots to unload, store and regas via Auctions
Fluxys Belgium will offer 247 272 Golden SBUs or 7,5 TWh via an auction on Tuesday 22 February 2022.
FluxSwiss is offering transportation capacities North-South and South-North direction in the routes Wallbach – Gries Pass, Gries Pass - Wallbach and Gries Pass - Oltingue including an innovative and flexible monthly reverse-flow product Gries Pass – Wallbach/Oltingue, granting the possibility to use both delivery points with within day flexibility on a Firm basis for the Month of October 2022.
In 2022, small-scale ship loading and unloading services were used more than ever and the market shows interest for booking additional slots. Therefore, Fluxys LNG organizes a Subscription Window between the 28th February 2023 and the 20th March 2023 for the commercialization of Additional Berthing Rights (“ABRs”) and Stand Alone Berthing Rights (“SABRs”) for the year 2023, and for the conversion of already subscribed ABRs into SABRs.
After a successful subscription window of long term storage services, Fluxys Belgium is organizing an auction for its Golden SBUs.
In this auction 86 408 Golden SBUs are offered for storage year 2023-2024 for its storage facility at Loenhout