Fluxys LNG marktconsultatie 55

Fluxys LNG Market Consultation 55: Maximize utilization of LNG services, modification of truckloading invoicing and response to threat to heel situations


The market consultation aiming at maximizing the use of LNG services at our LNG terminal, simplifying the invoicing of truck loading operations and clarifying the response of Terminal Operator in case of threat to heel will take place between 22nd April and 12th May 2022.

In a continuous effort to further improve its service offering, Fluxys LNG is proposing adjustments to its LNG services with a focus on:

  • increasing the residual storage capacity and extending its booking period,
  • adding measures during threat to heel situations,
  • increasing the amount truck loading slots that can be offered,
  • modifying the invoicing procedure for truck loading slots,
  • revising the Indicative Berthing Schedule,
  • commercializing non-used LNG services,
  • allocation of daily storage and daily send-out on an FCFS basis and
  • several technical improvements.

More information available in the 2-pages note about the consultation and in the regulated documents.

Documents in consultation (with track changes)

LNG Access Code
LNG Access Code for Truck Loading
LNG Terminalling Programme
LNG Truck Loading Agreement - LTL

Huidige status van de consultatie

Step 1 finished
Uitnodiging om deel te nemen Herziening na commentaren Goedkeuring CREG Aangepaste documenten



Het Consultatierapport (enkel in het Engels) geeft een overzicht van de voornaamste commentaren: Consultatierapport 55

CREG Beslissing

De beslissing (B)2403 wordt gepubliceerd op de CREG website.