Dienst voor aanvullende bijstand voor opslag

Nieuws en persberichten

  • Fluxys Belgium: Reminder - Opening of FCFS Period for Long-Term SBU Offering

    From December 6th to December 19th 2025, Fluxys organized a subscription window to offer Long Term Golden Standard Bundled Units (SBU) for periods starting 1st April 2026 and lasting up to 10 Storage Years. Additionally, seasonal and quarterly Priority Booster Capacity (PBC) were offered to enhance the firm injection and withdrawal capacities included in the offered Golden SBUs for the same period.
    In line with our offering, since January 6th 2025, the remaining Golden Standard Bundled Units (SBU) are available to the market on a First-Come, First-Served (FCFS) basis.


Profiteer van een aanvullende bijstand voor uw verzekerings- en financiële rapporten over uw  opgeslagen hoeveelheden aardgas in onze opslagfaciliteit.



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Additionele Opslagdiensten

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ZTP (BE - LUX)OpslagScheduling Services

Datadiensten – Opslaggebruiker

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