Fluxys Belgium - Market Consultation 58 - SoS Regulation for Storage Operator

From 30 August to 19 September 2022, Fluxys Belgium is holding a market consultation on the regulatory documents applicable for storage. This market consultation will focus on:

  • Implementing the dispositions of the Gas Security of Supply Regulation (EU)
  • Measures when storage users deviate from Filling (Trajectory) Targets
  • Measures to avoid termination of contracts during a storage year
  • No more "default SBU" offered
  • Adjustment of the allocation rule when using Auctions Forms
  • Some technical improvements

The following document summarizes the proposed changes: One page note

Last week we communicated the market consultation on the regulatory storage documents, with a main focus on implementing Filling (trajectory) Targets based on the Gas Security of Supply Regulation (EU).
Given the importance and extent of the proposed changes, Fluxys Belgium invites you to an information session on Tuesday 13 September 2022 from 10h AM till 11h AM CET time during which these dispositions will be explained more in detail and during which questions can be raised.

Info session - slides

Documents in consultation (with track changes)

You are kindly invited to send your written comments to marketing@fluxys.com by Monday September 19th 2022 close of business.

Please specify in your response, whether the content is to be treated as confidential or not. Unless otherwise mentioned, all comments will be treated as non-confidential.