Reverse Flow capacity available from Switzerland to Belgium and The Netherlands

Fluxys TENP has implemented the Reverse Flow project as planned. South-to-north reverse flow capacity to Belgium and The Netherlands is available to the market since 1 October 2018.

BZK capacity

Fluxys TENP offers the reverse flow capacity as BZK (“Restricted Firm Capacity”) with the following assignment restrictions:

  • Wallbach Entry to Eynatten Exit
  • Wallbach Entry to Bocholtz Exit

Auction of reverse flow capacity on PRISMA

Market participants have the opportunity to book reverse flow capacity in the TENP system at Wallbach entry. The capacity is offered through auctions of annual, quarterly, monthly, daily and within-day products on the PRISMA platform according to the CAM auction calendar. For more information please refer to the Fluxys TENP Electronic Data Platform (EDP):

For any other questions please contact the Fluxys TENP commercial team:

Phone: +49 211 42 09 09 0
Fax: +49 211 42 09 09 11


The project is funded by the European Union.