IUK to offer Day Ahead capacity via Implicit Allocation

IUK is pleased to announce that as of Friday 23 October, we will be offering Firm Daily Capacity through our Implicit Allocation Mechanism (IAM). 

In order to align with the commodity market the Day Ahead product offered via IAM will be for Business Days only. Weekends and UK Bank Holidays are excluded as daily gas products are not offered for these periods. The Weekend and Working Days Next Week products remain available for these periods. As an example, on Friday, Day Ahead capacity would be offered for use on the next Business Day, i.e. Monday. 

As per the existing Within Month products, this new Day Ahead product will only be offered following the close of the relevant Monthly auction on PRISMA and will only be offered until 14:00 UKT for use on the following Business Day, in order to allow IUK to upload the capacity to the PRISMA Day Ahead auction. 

As with all of IUK’s IAM products, the new Day Ahead product is unbundled allowing Shippers to better match with existing portfolio positions in neighbouring markets.

To see the full range of products offered via Implicit Allocation, please see our IAM Product Guide.

IUK has today published a new Charging Statement, available here, which includes Day Ahead capacity tariffs for capacity offered through Implicit Allocation. These tariffs are in line with those previously published for Firm Daily capacity. 

There have been no changes to the remaining previously published tariffs for Gas Year 2020-21.