Fluxys Belgium and Interconnector launch stakeholder consultations on the integration of the BeLux Market Area and Interconnector

Fluxys Belgium and Interconnector Limited would like to hear stakeholder’s views on the proposed integration of the BeLux Market Area and Interconnector.

The integration will simplify the trading arrangements for gas transportation between the Continent and the GB gas market by removing the IZT Interconnection Point (“IP”) which currently connects Interconnector to the Fluxys Belgium network. The BeLux Market Area will be simplified through the merger of the existing ZTP Physical and ZTP Notional trading points into a single hub, the ZTP, from which Shippers may directly access the UK’s NBP market.

Our Consultation Brochure outlines how the Interconnector and the BeLux Market Areas will be integrated to create a new, Combined Market Area and the benefits that the resulting simplifications will have for the setup in the Zeebrugge area as well as the trading arrangements between the UK and the BeLux Market Area.

The proposed changes to the Fluxys Belgium and Interconnector Access Rules and Charging Methodologies are being addressed separately. These consultations are available via the following links:

Fluxys Belgium Consultation

Interconnector Consultation 

This stakeholder consultation will run from 23 May 2022 until 20 June 2022.