COVID-19 – All Dunkerque LNG and Gaz-Opale essential operations remain active

We carefully comply with the recommendations of French authorities

Despite the major impact of the coronavirus outbreak, the essential services of Dunkerque LNG and Gaz-Opale will remain operational. As one of the key players in the European gas infrastructure, we are responsible for the energy supply of our customers. Public services, households, hospitals and many industries are in need of our energy supplies, now more than ever.

In this highly sensitive period, we have taken the necessary steps to safeguard the continuity of business operations while keeping everyone safe. For all our terminalling activities in Dunkirk (France), our gas flows towards France and Belgium, we are carefully complying with the recommendations of French authorities in the field of health and safety.

We are proud to be able to ensure a continued stable gas supply for both society and our customers/partners, thanks to the commitment of our dedicated teams.

We hope for your patience, understanding and cooperation in this extraordinary situation.

We will be updating you on new developments on the website.

How to contact us: - +33 (0)6 21 76 46 74 - +33 (0)800 102 050