Freeze period for your Truck Loading Slots planned this summer at Zeebrugge

We noted your great interest in our truck loading services, especially for the period from 15 June to 15 July 2021.

As the demand exceeds the supply, a special freeze period will be applied. This freeze period will start 31 days before the start of the slot and will include the normal freeze period starting at 11 am on the gas day preceding the start of the slot.

Consult your scheduled truck loading slots on the Truck Manager and cancel the unneeded slot(s) (if any) before this special freeze period.

The unneeded slot(s) can only be rescheduled to another slot on the same day, otherwise the slot(s) will be lost. However, please note that if you cancel a slot and another customer schedules the cancelled slot, you will be credited with 50% of the slot value.