PRISMA quarterly auction on 5 August 2019

Important information regarding the capacity offer at the cross-border interconnection points Entry Bocholtz and Exit VIP Germany-CH

Fluxys TENP GmbH (Fluxys TENP) and Open Grid Europe GmbH (OGE) would hereby like to provide all interested parties with the following information related to the quarterly capacity auction on PRISMA to be held on 5 August 2019.

Current TENP-I situation

In the currently ongoing maintenance measure No. 21019101 the investigations of the remaining TENP-I sections are proceeding. OGE and Fluxys TENP, as prudent operators and as they did in the yearly capacity auction of 2019, will be in a position to commercialise in the quarterly auction on 5 August 2019 only the capacity at the entry point Bocholtz and the Exit VIP Germany-CH that can be ensured, taking into account a prolonged out-of-operations of TENP-I. Furthermore, based on the preliminary assessment of the impact of measure No. 307-01 (“GDRM-Anlage Mittelbrunn”) in the framework of the Network Development Plan Gas 2016-2026 (NDP 2016), Fluxys TENP and OGE expect that the physical gas transfer between the TENP and MEGAL pipeline systems will be temporarily restricted in the second and third quarter of 2020.

Capacity offer in the quarterly auction

For the second and third quarter 2020 (transport period 1 April 2020 – 1 July 2020 and 1 July 2020 – 1 October 2020) the offer of FZK and bFZK capacities of Fluxys TENP and FZK capacities of OGE in the quarterly auctions starting on 5 August 2019 at the cross-border interconnection point Entry Bocholtz (marketed by OGE and Fluxys TENP) and at the Exit point VIP Germany-CH (marketed by Fluxys TENP only) will be suspended. Interruptible capacity for this period will be offered anyway. For the transport periods in the second and third quarter of 2020 which are not affected by the above-mentioned measures, the available firm capacities will be offered in the respective monthly, daily and within-day auctions according to the PRISMA auction calendar.

For the fourth quarter 2019 (transport period 1 October 2019 – 1 January 2020) and the first quarter 2020 (transport period 1 January 2020 – 1 April 2020) Fluxys TENP and OGE would like to announce that FZK and bFZK capacities of Fluxys TENP and FZK capacities of OGE will be offered in the quarterly auctions starting on 5 August 2019 at the cross-border interconnection point Entry Bocholtz.

At the Exit point VIP Germany-CH Fluxys TENP will offer FZK capacities for the fourth quarter 2019 (transport period 1 October 2019 – 1 January 2020 as well as for the first quarter 2020 (transport period 1 January 2020 – 1 April 2020).

Fluxys TENP and OGE aim to minimize the impact of the described maintenance measures on the capacity offer as much as possible and apologize for any inconveniences caused. For finding suitable solutions and for any further questions related to these maintenance measures please do not hesitate to contact Fluxys TENP and OGE.