Company Info
FluxSwiss as Transmission System Operator
FluxSwiss is a transmission system operator in the Transitgas pipeline, marketing approx. 90% of the technical capacity of the Transitgas system for border-to-border gas flows. We combine our expertise with close customer interaction to provide high-level services for their supplies into Italy or Northwest Europe. As a Fluxys group company it is our mission to contribute to a sustainable energy future and our passionate teams secure reliable and affordable energy flows into the market.
FluxSwiss Technical Transportation Capacity
FluxSwiss technical transportation capacities on the relevant Swiss transit routes, both in Forward Flow and in Reverse Flow are reported below.
FluxSwisss technical capacity here refers to the total capacity that can be transported by FluxSwiss (irrespective of whether that capacity is currently booked or available). Also, those FluxSwiss technical transportation capacities relate to the Transitgas pipeline system and do not take into consideration capacities available on downstream or upstream adjacent transmission infrastructures or networks.
Forward Flow
Wallbach – Passo Gries: 1,510,610 Sm3/h (from 1 October 2020 to 30 September 2024 : 1,507,902 Sm3/h)
Oltingue – Passo Gries: 888,080 Sm3/h (from 1 October 2020 to 30 September 2024 : 920,390 Sm3/h)
Reverse Flow
Passo Gries – Wallbach: 683,340 Sm3/h
Passo Gries – Oltingue: 498,144 Sm3/h
Passo Gries – Wallbach or Oltingue (competing capacity): 212,282 Sm3/h
Partner in the Transitgas pipeline
FluxSwiss is 46% partner in Transitgas AG, asset owner of the Transitgas pipeline and responsible for operating and maintaining the system. The other partners in Transitgas AG are Swissgas (51%) and Uniper Global Commodities (3%).
Shareholding & partners
Fluxys is 50.65% partner in FluxSwiss together with EIP Gas Invest II (36.56%), Swiss Gas Invest (7.89%) and Swissgas (4.9%).
EIP Gas Invest II
EIP Gas Invest II is an investment manager with a long-term investment horizon and specialising in energy infrastructure in Switzerland.
Swiss Gas Invest
Swiss Gas Invest is a company dedicated to the acquisition, detention, administration and alienation of participations in any companies active in the field of natural gas. The shareholders of Swiss Gas Invest are Holdigaz (52.64%), Erdgas Ostschweiz (15.79%), Gaznat (15.79%), Swissgas (5.26%), Gas & Com (5.26%) and Groupe E (5.26%)
Swissgas is a joint procurement and transport platform for four regional shareholders: Erdgas Ostschweiz, Gasverbund Mittelland, Gaznat and Erdgas Zentralschweiz. The Association of the Swiss Natural Gas Industry (Verband der Schweizerischen Gasindustrie – VSG) is also a shareholder. The purpose of the company is to procure and supply in collaboration with the regional shareholders all forms of natural gas in Switzerland and to protect related interests both nationally and abroad. Swissgas also has its own network of natural gas pipelines with a total length of 260 km.
Ethical Code
We create a safe and respectful working environment, uphold high human rights standards and are committed to do business ethically through responsible interactions with our business partners.
Download the Ethical Code (PDF 233KB)
- FluxSwiss SAGL is a Fluxys group company established under Swiss law
- Registered office FluxSwiss SAGL: Via delle Scuole 8, 6900 Paradiso
- Managing Officers: Pascal De Buck, Raphael De Winter, Gerhard Konig, Philippe Petitpierre, Ruedi Rohrbach, Walter Steinmann, Raf van Elst and Yves Vercammen
- Commercial Register: Lugano Register of Companies CH-501.3.015.930-3
- VAT identification number: CHE-142.720.075 IVA