From the North Sea to the European mainland

From the North Sea to the European mainland

From the North Sea to the European mainland

In light of climate and energy policy, it is expected that after 2030, the demand for natural gas will gradually decrease, while the transport volumes of hydrogen and CO2 will increase.

Since early 2021, we have been preparing the necessary hydrogen infrastructure in cooperation with industry, partners, government authorities, operators in neighbouring countries, distribution system operators and other stakeholders, to enable a secure and steady supply of hydrogen to the European mainland. Any new pipeline currently going into the ground is capable of carrying hydrogen and future terminals for hydrogen or ammonia are taking shape. 

Step by step switch from fossil fuels to green energy

Hydrogen is undeniably a key element to meet the ambitious climate goals. And for the energy system to make the switch from fossil fuels to green energy.

Both the European Union and Belgium and its regions rolled out a hydrogen strategy and vision, starting from an open access backbone that will accelerate the development of a hydrogen economy.

For Europe and its REPowerEU-plan, the backbone serves a dual purpose: to meet climate targets and to accelerate the reduction of dependence on Russian gas.

Fluxys delivers key solutions for the European hydrogen backbone

The main route for the hydrogen backbone will run from Zeebrugge to Germany. Thereby connecting to industrial clusters where there is a need for hydrogen. And from there also connections to our neighboring countries the Netherlands and France.

Our ideally located and thriving terminal in Zeebrugge plays an important role for importing molecules of the future, as is the case today for natural gas and LNG. These imports are much needed as Belgium has too little solar and wind energy domestically to make hydrogen locally. Possible reinforcements of the network include an ammonia terminal in the port of Antwerp, which has the essential direct access from the North Sea.

The North Sea is emerging as a green energy hub, and a key hydrogen production site for many of the peripheral countries. The acceleration of investment into green electricity presents significant prospects for large-scale production of green electricity and hydrogen from North Sea wind, as well as the opportunity to interconnect the North Sea countries.

Help us build the Fluxys hydrogen network

Hydrogen projects throughout Europe

Interactive map of European hydrogen infrastructure projects

The energy industry stakeholders, in cooperation with EHB, have bundled the ongoing hydrogen infrastructure projects and future needs, in the form of an interactive map. Those involved are gas transmission system operators (TSOs), distribution system operators (DSOs), storage system operators (SSOs) and LNG system operators (LSOs), as well as other players developing projects along the value-chain, liaising with production and off-takers. The hydrogen infrastructure projects include transmission pipelines, distribution pipelines, storage sites, terminals and ports, and some demand and production projects.

Hydrogen Infrastructure Map