Fluxys TENP

Products & Services

Transmission Services

Customers can book capacities on the TENP pipeline in the north-south or south-north direction to supply Germany and Europe with their gas.

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Capacity gasday Mar, 25th 2025

About Fluxys TENP

Fluxys TENP GmbH is the major transmission system operator in the TENP pipeline, marketing approx. 64% of the system’s capacity. We combine our international expertise with close customer interaction to provide our shippers with high-level services for the supply of Germany and the neighbouring markets. As a Fluxys group company, it is our mission to contribute to a sustainable energy future. Our passionate teams secure reliable and affordable energy flows into the European market.

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TENP Pipeline

Key link between South and Northwest Europe

The TENP pipeline has been contributing to the safe and reliable supply of natural gas to Germany and Europe since 1974. Over a length of around 500 kilometres, it connects the German market with Switzerland, Belgium and the Netherlands. The pipeline is an integral part of the gas infrastructure between South and Northwest Europe and enables bidirectional gas flows. 

Furthermore, the TENP is connected to the LNG terminals of the Fluxys Group in Zeebrugge (Belgium) and Dunkerque (France) via the VIP THE-ZTP and the Belgian transport network. Thus, the pipeline already creates the conditions for the efficient transport of LNG to Germany and contributes significantly to the diversification of the German energy supply.

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